Wills, Estate Planning & Elder Law Services

Simons Ravden Wills and Estate Planning Lawyers are specialists and experts for all inheritance matters.


For The Best Results, Work With Wills & Estates Experts

SR Wills and Estates Law are specialists in elder law, wills and all inheritance matters. and we are proud of the team we have developed over the years. We are in Sydney & the Eastern Suburbs with specialist wills and estates lawyers dedicated to providing excellent service.


Living Wills

A living will & other advance directives are written instructions that state your medical care preferences if you can’t make decisions for yourself. Advance directives help doctors & caregivers understand your wishes if you are terminally ill, badly injured, in a coma, or near the end of life.


Estate Planning

A will is one of the most important aspects of estate planning. However, there are other things that also need to be considered. These include but are not limited to, powers of attorney, living wills, and beneficiary designations. Investments like superannuation can’t be left in a will.


Contest a Will

If you are considering challenging a will or making a family provision claim, it is important to seek legal advice as soon as possible. There are strict time limits that apply, so you need to take action quickly. You also need to be sure that you have a right to contest the will in question.

Estate Planning

We’ll take care of your wills and estates

SR Wills and Estates Law is a 5 star rated law firm that offers inheritance legal services. Our wills attorneys will provide you with the best possible advice to help you plan for your future (and that of your beneficiaries).


Your Will is Only the Beginning

We are your one stop solution for all your estate planning needs. We assist you with wills, trusts, enduring power of attorney and much more. Let us take care of all the complicated legal jargon so that you can get on with living your life!



Making a will that completely covers all your assets, superannuation, property and investments and ensures your chosen beneficiaries receive their inheritance requires expert advice. Anyone over 18 can make a will but not everyone knows how to be sure all areas are covered. Don’t leave disputes behind you, leave a well thought out will.

Your will specifies your decisions and wishes for your estate, after you die. It also states who you want to leave your estate to (your beneficiaries).

Simons Ravden Wills & Estate Lawyers are experts at assisting you in drafting your last will and testament. This will help protect your assets and reduce the likelihood of challenges to the will.

We also assist in contesting a will, if you believe you have grounds. Get in touch to discuss your issues.

Will challenges may be due to:
– will not being legally executed & witnessed
– will not being legally approved (if the deceased was not in a position to approve the will contents)
– you believe the will was created as a result of undue influence or there are suspicious circumstances when a will favours one beneficiary with no good reason.
– your relationship to the deceased. If you are a spouse, child, stepchild or dependent of the deceased and have not been left with support.

Contact Us to Discuss Your Will


Estate Planning

Estate planning involves developing a strategy for dealing with your assets after you’re dead. You should ensure you or your executor have enough knowledge and skills to handle the all aspects of administering an estate. It’s important to seek advice from external advisers if you need to understand more complicated estate planning issues.

Simons Ravden Wills and Estates Law has specialist estate planning lawyers who are ready to assist you in creating an estate plan that works for you and your beneficiaries. Well thought out estate plans reduce the chances of court challenges and will disputes.

Get in touch to discuss your estate planning needs.


Contest a Will

Have you been unfairly left out of a will or estate? SR Wills has experience in sucessfully challengine and contesting wills with positive outcomes for our clients.

To contest or challenge a will, you must be eligible to do so. Eligibility includes:

  • a parent or guardian of the deceased person
  • any person who would be entitled to a share of the estate of the deceased person if the deceased person had died intestate (without a will)
  • any person (including a creditor) who may have a claim against the estate of the deceased person

Think you’ve been unfairly left out of a will? Call SR Wills today to discuss your unique situation.

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“I just wanted clear non complicated information and help with my inheritance matter and that’s what I got, I Highly recommend.”

— Deb Peters

“I’m over 70 years old and appreciated George’s straight talk, he did a fantastic job on my Will, I would recommend his expertise to anyone .”

— Russel Kerry

“Very professional service from the Estates team, all my issues were resolved stress free .”

— Massimiliano Dipio